Frequently Asked Questions

Your questions collected in one page here. I update the collection once a week, so, please, check the page from time to time or just before ask me in email.

We are working on a first in basis. So if you have paid the deposit of $50 to secure your order on the waiting list you will be given first option on a kitten that becomes available that fits your individual requests for colour and sex.

To secure the chosen kitten you need to pay a deposit of $300. The deposit is not refundable.


Please sent me email or call on 0416158285 for further information

What causes the allergies you suffer from? It’s not the cat’s fur, it’s actually a protein called Fel D1 found in cat saliva that causes you to sneeze and feel itchy. Once a cat licks their coat, the allergen-laden saliva dries and becomes airborne, increasing likelihood for a response.

The Siberian sports a moderately long coat, but still is hypoallergenic due to the lower-than-average enzyme levels in their saliva. Some claim that 75 percent of cat allergy sufferers have no reaction to the Siberian.